Gravity Bypass Plugs

Also known as:

Flow Through Plugs , Bypass Plugs , Flow Throughs , Passthroughs , Fatboy Guzzlers , Superflows

STEMAR's Gravity Bypass Systems:

1. Stemar Bypass Head
Upstream head seals the host pipe to carry any live flow through the bypass hose.
DOUBLEHEAD: An optional downstream head can be added to prevent chargeback or backflow.
Bypass head sizes also refer to the host pipe's inner diameter (pipe ID), never nominal or OD measurements.

2. Stemar Bypass Hose
Attaches to Bypass Heads with the use of high torque worm gear clamps.
Exclusive to Stemar, our Bypass Hose comes standard with reinforced end cuffs for easy installation and removal onto Bypass Heads, built-in steel wire helix hose reinforcement for greater shape retention and durability and multiple ply fabric hose reinforcement.

3. Stemar Safetyline with Gauge
One required for each Bypass Head to lift/lower into position, inflate, monitor pressure, and deflate.
Each comes standard with a liquid gauge and dual valve system for added jobsite safety.